Maternity Reflexology

Reflexology during pregnancy is a safe and supportive therapy that can be extremely effective in helping you manage some of the symptoms associated with pregnancy and those that may follow postnatally.

The benefits of maternity reflexology have been well researched.
Recent studies have shown that women who have reflexology during pregnancy.

  • Significantly reduced pain during labour.
  • A shorter first stage of labour
  • Reduced pain and stress levels for women experiencing lower back or pelvic girdle pain
  • A shorter second stage of labour.
  • Less anxiety during labour.
  • Improved sleep postnatally
Maternity Reflexology
There is also an abundance of anecdotal evidence highlighting the benefits of reflexology during pregnancy and the post-natal period. Many women choose to have reflexology throughout their pregnancy and beyond as it can help prepare you, both physically and emotionally, for the birth of your baby and help to maintain a balance as your body transitions through the different stages of pregnancy and into the fourth trimester.
Reflexology is particularly beneficial for giving you a feeling of deep relaxation and stress relief which can help reduce anxiety, and may lessen the risk of complications during pregnancy.  Effective relaxation during pregnancy is really important for expectant mums. Maternity reflexology helps to keep both you and baby calm and encourages communication between you both, which supports natural attachment and bonding once your baby is born.  

Many women say that reflexology improves their sleep, which promotes better physical and emotional health, allowing you to feel more balanced and energised.
Regular reflexology can help to manage, prevent, relieve or alleviate many symptoms experienced during pregnancy, such as:
  • Morning sickness
  • Constipation
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Oedema (swelling commonly in the feet, legs and hands)
  • Itching
  • Pelvic and lower back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness and breathlessness
  • Preparation for birth (37 weeks onwards)
  • First stage of labour

Hand reflexology for birthing partners

Your birthing partner can learn hand reflexology techniques to stimulate slowing contractions and induce feelings of calmness and control during the early and later stages of labour.

Post-natal reflexology is also a gentle and natural way to help you recover from the birth of your baby. It can be hugely beneficial in encouraging your body to heal and return to full radiant health.

You may be feeling a whole array of differing emotions, whilst at the same time coping with some of the physical complications of child birth. Post-natal reflexology can support you with breast feeding, regulate and balance your hormones, ease backache, post-partum birth or surgical pain, digestive issues and managing your emotions.

Initial Consultation

A full history taken at your initial consultation, and updated regularly throughout your pregnancy will ensure it is appropriate for you during each of the trimesters. 

Being able to support women with reflexology throughout their pregnancy and beyond is a wonderful experience and one that I am honoured to be part of.
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