This month I thought I’d share a bit about my journey into reflexology. Since I was about 14 I wanted to be a nurse…I think I was influenced by my gran who’d been a children’s nurse before she married my grandpa who was a surgeon at Jimmies in Leeds for years. (Sooo wish I could chat with them about their careers…sadly they both died before I qualified). After school I went to college in Leeds and got a certificate in social care and then had a few years working as a Nanny…At 21 I went to Nottingham to train as a Children’s nurse…For most of my career (almost 30yrs …eeek…!!) I worked as a Children’s Oncology nurse on the wards and then in the community as a Children’s Macmillan Nurse… the last few years I spent working in health promotion with kids in schools around Leicestershire. I met some of the most amazing and inspirational people ever, especially the children and teenagers, who were always so incredibly brave, brilliant and resilient. It was an absolute privilege to care for them.
After many years nursing I decided to change direction, embrace my passion for complimentary therapies and train as a reflexologist. I qualified in 2018…turned my garage into a treatment room and set up Equilibrium Reflexology. I love working with such a diverse range of clients… it’s been a steep learning curve becoming ‘self employed’ after so long in the NHS…but so worth it…being a reflexologist means I can still support and care for people, but in a more empowering, natural and holistic way.
I’m passionate about family health, which must start with conception. My first post grad training was in reproductive reflexology…which was amazing and incredibly enlightening. I have been truly blessed with a gorgeous son who is 19 now, however, I had always hoped he would have siblings but I had secondary fertility problems, which I didn’t realise was such an issue for so many…I’ve continued my training to qualify as an advanced maternity and baby reflexologist and most recently I’m now a Chi Medics Practitioner, which I love. It is such a joy to support men and women on their conception journey, through pregnancy and then the ultimate joy is meeting their baby and showing new parents how to support their babies naturally with reflexology.
Family health is intrinsically woven into both my personal and professional life hence it’s been a natural progression for me to study reflexology in all these areas. I love learning new stuff which I’ve been doing formally for the past 6 years…I was thinking of giving my menopausal brain a bit of a break but there’s just too many interesting things to learn about… I’m looking forward to becoming a reiki master…which I hope will be towards the end of this year and there are some fantastic chi medics post grad courses I’m really interested in doing…all very exciting so watch this space…!!
Thank you for reading – MY JOURNEY TO REFLEXOLOGY. I hope you enjoyed it, if you would like more please follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Or if you would like to get in touch please Contact Me.
See you soon,