
Within about 24 hours, the two gene bundles combine to create the beginnings of your unique human being. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, your baby will be a boy. If the sperm has an X chromosome, you’ll be expecting a girl. Your fertilised egg, or zygote as it’s now called, travels from your fallopian tube to implant into the lining of your uterus. A human pregnancy is variable in length but commonly lasts for 40 weeks. I am constantly amazed by the brilliance of the human body.
First Trimester

The first trimester is characterised by huge hormonal changes, implantation into the uterine wall and rapid development of the foetus. The foetus begins to develop a brain and spinal cord, and the organs begin to form. The baby’s heart will also begin to beat during the first trimester. Arms and legs begin to bud in the first few weeks, and by the end of eight weeks, fingers and toes start to form. By the end of the first trimester, the baby’s sex organs have formed and the baby is now about 3 inches long and weighs almost 1 ounce. How amazing are we…??
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